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Minimum quantity: 2 passengers

Rustic outdoor hot springs where you can enjoy a thermal and natural relaxation, providing comfort to your stay with different services within the premises.  Hot springs near Villarrica National Park, there are 4 hot tubs and 3 rustic pools in the middle of living nature, to provide an experience next to the river and a…

$40000 / per person
Minimum quantity: 2 passengers

Enjoy a thermal space surrounded by nature, including 7 indoor and outdoor pools, additionally providing different services inside for better comfort of its visitors. Come to relax at Coñaripe Hot Springs, located just 15km from town, it has indoor, semi-indoor and outdoor pools with hydromassage, thermal mud pool, among many other features and benefits, with…

$43000 / per person
Minimum quantity: 2 passengers

Half-day morning, afternoon or night tour, called Sendero Lawen, a word that in Mapudungun means medicine or remedy, since according to the cosmovision of the local Mapuche people, the visitor will feel the freshness of an internal healing or purification, through contact with the earth, doing a low level walk (trekking), on a natural path…

$40000 / per person
01:30 hr
Minimum quantity: 2 passengers

Half-day morning or afternoon tour of five-hour heritage route in the middle of inhabited mountains, surrounded by rivers, lakes and volcanoes. Sharing part of the history of Coñaripe and its surroundings, being our Mapuche people, the residents of this community, the great hosts of teaching their culture, worldview and customs. Visit and learn about the…

$40000 / per person
4 hr
Minimum quantity: 4 passengers

Full day tour with a unique route through which visitors can visit the lakes: Calafquen, Pellaifa, Pullinque, Panguipulli, Riñihue, Pirehueico, and Neltume. Get into Huilo-Huilo Biological Reserve, located on more than 250 thousand acres, surrounded by the outstanding Andes Mountains and splendorous nature, visit the Portals “La Leona”, which has a waterfall and pools of…

$90000 / per person
10 hr
Minimum quantity: 2 passengers

Full day tour, the visitor discovers the town of Coñaripe, its surroundings, its culture and local history; combined with a Navigation between trees, through Lake Pellaifa, highlighted by the wonderful forest of submerged trees. Visit Quilalelfu Hot Springs, overlooking the Llancahue River, located 7 kilometers from the town of Coñaripe, walk its forest path that…

$90000 / per person
6 hr
Minimum quantity: 4 passengers

Full day tour, called Cuenca Lago Ranco, a word which in Mapudungun means “water with waves”, due to the gentle waves that are generated within the lake, visitors will be able to see Lake Ranco, Futrono and small areas that have the particularity of being the third largest Lake in Chile. therefore, there are various…

$90000 / per person
4 hr